
Have questions about title insurance, need expert advice on your real estate transaction, or want to get started with our services? Reach out to us!

8195 Custer Rd, Suite 200A-02, Frisco, TX 75035
+1 (214)-813-6117

© 2024 Sankalp Title

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Your questions matter to us. Browse through our frequently asked questions for insights on how Sankalp Title streamlines your real estate transactions. From title insurance to the closing process, we've got you covered. If you have more questions, don't hesitate to reach out.

Title insurance protects real estate owners and lenders against property loss or damage they might experience because of liens, encumbrances, or defects in the title to the property. Each title insurance policy is subject to specific terms, conditions, and exclusions.
Title insurance is a one-time purchase that protects your property rights for as long as you or your heirs own the property. It safeguards against future claims or unforeseen title issues, offering peace of mind in your real estate investment.
A title search involves reviewing public records to verify the seller’s right to transfer ownership and discover any claims, defects, and other rights or burdens on the property.
The duration can vary depending on the complexity of the title search and the discovery of any title defects. Generally, it takes a few days to a few weeks to complete.
A lender’s policy protects the mortgage lender’s interest up to the mortgage amount, while an owner’s policy protects the homebuyer’s investment in the property for as long as they own it.
Yes, you have the right to choose your own title insurance provider. It's important to select a company that is reliable and has a strong reputation, like Sankalp Title.
Yes, the two main types are the owner’s policy, which protects the buyer, and the lender’s policy, which protects the lender. There are also policies tailored for commercial properties, construction projects, and more.
If a claim is made, your title insurance policy will cover the legal fees to defend your title and, if necessary, compensate for your equity in the property up to the policy limit.
The cost of title insurance varies based on the purchase price of the property and the policy amount. It’s a one-time fee paid at closing.
Getting started is easy. Contact us directly through our website, email, or by phone. We will guide you through the process, from the initial title search to issuing your insurance policy.
Streamline refinancing is designed for homeowners seeking to simplify their mortgage process with fewer steps and minimal paperwork. Sankalp Title facilitates this streamlined approach by verifying that current mortgage records are accurate and up-to-date, enabling a faster and more efficient refinance process for eligible homeowners.